NATURAL COCOA POWDER 10-12%: Physical Characteristics: 1) Fineness: 99.0-99.7% through 200 micron sieve2) Appearance: Fine, free flowing brown powder
Wuxi, China
NATURAL COCOA POWDER 10-12%: Physical Characteristics: 1) Fineness: 99.0-99.7% through 200 micron sieve2) Appearance: Fine, free flowing brown powder
Wuxi, China
HIGH-FATALKALIZED COCOA POWDER 20-22%: Physical Characteristics: 1) Fineness: 99.0 - 99.7% through 200 micron sieve2) Appearance: Fine, free flowing
Wuxi, China
Physical Characteristics: 1) Fineness: 99.0 - 99.7% through 200 micron sieve 2) Appearance: Fine, free flowing brown powder 3) Flavor: Characteris
Wuxi, China
Details:Cocoa butter 1)Physical Specifications: Color and Iuster(melting): Bright lemon yellow to light golden yellow Odour and Taste: Natural coc
Wuxi, China
Cocoa butter, also known as cocoa Baituo, is a kind of plant stearin extracted from cocoa liquid, which appears lemon yellow to light golden in liqui
Wuxi, China
natural cocoa powder Specifications: Physical Characteristics: 1) Fineness: 99.0 - 99.7% through 200 micron sieve 2) Appearance: Fine, free flowin
Wuxi, China
Product Fat%Fineness%Moisture%PHAsh%Alkalized cocoa powder20-22≥99≤55.8-6.8≤10.0 All the cocoa products produced by the company were direct
Wuxi, China